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Magic @ Work by Christian Vandsø Andersen

A truly amazing book about how to use the skills of a magician in business.Christian Vandsø Andersen is not only a Vice President at The LEGO Group, he is also a highly skilled magician and mentalist. Using his scientific background and several university degrees, he gives the reader a rare treat with advice on innovation, leadership and personal mastery.

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Wonderful Digital Leadership by Christian Vandsø Andersen

A daring and suprising book that will leave you filled with wonder. If you are a leader of digital teams, you can use this book to begin to wonder. Wonder about how you do things, and especially about when."I did not know that my understanding of agile was incomplete until I read this book"

Kunsten at afsløre en løgn

Den første danske bog der, baseret på videnskab, præsenterer læseren for praktiske værktøjer til at afsløre løgnen og genkende sandheden i en samtale.Bemærk - trykkes on demand hos SAXO Publish.

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